Practice Policies and Information

Contacting Chesapeake Bay Psychiatry

If you call our office, you will receive our voicemail. Please leave a detailed message. Our office manager will return your phone call within one business day between the hours of 1pm and 5pm ET.

You may also text the office at 757-992-9600. If you have an urgent matter, we recommend texting the office to ensure a faster response time.

If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please contact 9-1-1 or visit your nearest emergency room.


Payment Policy

All patients are required to have a valid credit card on file for appointment fees.

Fees are charged the morning of the appointment to allow time to notify any patients if payments are unsuccessful.

Patients whose form of payment was not valid at the time payments are run must pay for their appointment prior to their appointment or cancel. As this cancelation is less than 24 hours prior to the appointment, a late cancel fee will be applied to the patient’s account and must be paid before rescheduling.


Canceled and Missed Appointments

Patients are responsible for their own appointments and are always welcome to verify their next appointment with the office. Appointment reminders from Chesapeake Bay Psychiatry are system generated and provided as a courtesy.

Patients must notify our office via text, email, or voicemail at least 24 hours in advance of a scheduled appointment to avoid incurring a late cancel fee.

Missed appointments will incur the corresponding fees laid out in the fee schedule on our New Patient Information page.

Medications will not be sent to the pharmacy until all outstanding fees are paid and a follow-up appointment has been scheduled with your provider.

Patients who incur two missed appointment or late cancel fees will be responsible for the full cost of the appointment for any subsequent missed or late-canceled appointments.


Prescription Information

Established patients who are on 90-day appointments have had prescriptions submitted to the pharmacy at the time of their appointment that will last until the next appointment.

Patients must call the pharmacy to request they fill the next prescription on file. It is not a refill.

Patients whose medication has recently changed are expected back in 30 days to meet with their provider. Additional prescriptions will not be submitted without this appointment.

Patients who request a change in pharmacy shall provide Chesapeake Bay Psychiatry one business day to transfer the prescription to the new pharmacy.

If a prescription requires a prior authorization, patient understands it may take up to three business days to be completed and are handled in the order they are received.

Prescriptions will not be submitted for patients who have an outstanding balance on their account until the balance is paid.